Increasing administrative workload for doctors

For four years, hospitals in acute somatics have used the flat-rate per case system SwissDRG. Two new hospital tariff systems are planned for January 2018: TARPSY for psychiatry and ST Reha for rehabilitation. In order to identify any undesirable developments at an early stage, the research institute gfs.bern has been conducting annual representative surveys with hospital doctors on behalf of the Swiss Medical Association (FMH) since 2011.

The latest results of FMH’s accompanying study on the impact of the new hospital funding arrangements show that the proportion of medical, patient-related activities performed by hospital doctors has reduced considerably since 2011. Doctors in acute somatics spent just one third of their time on patient-related activities; those in psychiatry and rehabilitation only around one quarter. In turn, the amount of time invested in administration in hospitals has increased further: In 2015, doctors in acute somatics spent an additional 15 minutes on average per day on documentation work than 2011. Assistant doctors are particularly affected by this: 27% of their working hours is spent on documentation work.

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